Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well third time's a charm right? Here's hoping!! This is the third year I've embarked on a photo-a-day challenge.

2009 I made it to March. It fizzled after I lost a good friend unexpectedly :(

2010 I made it all the way to June - it fizzled just after we moved interstate and I was struggling with separation from all I knew and held familiar (well besides my direct family that is)

2011 I'm hoping that I can make it at least until August - where we will be blessed with a new familly member... Yes, we're expecting a new baby in August, so that will open up a whole new path of inspiration that I'm hoping will see me complete the challenge this year ;)

BUT for now... I'm starting this with a NEW AGENDA!!!! I'm not looking at this as a whole year project... It's going to be a monthly project... Smaller bites should hopefully allow me to reach the smaller targets so i can hit the big goal in the end... Will I make it?? Well past performance says now, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see :)

Roll on 2011!!!

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